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NORC Impact Assessment: Midline II Report

The Midline II classroom observation study forms part of an on-going impact evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the Techniques for Effective Teaching (TFET) program in Ghana, a partnership between Sesame Workshop and IDP Foundation. For this Midline II report, trained fieldworkers conducted 32 classroom observations in nine treatment schools, with nine Master and nine Step-down TFET trained teachers – as well as seven control schools, with 14 teachers who had not received TFET training.
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NORC Impact Assessment: Midline I Report

This report evaluated the emerging impact of Sesame’s Techniques for Effective Teaching (TFET) program on teachers’ understandings, perceptions, and application of new pedagogic techniques. Classroom observations were carried out in three schools, two of which were part of the TFET program, and one that had received no training.
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Needs and Impact Assessment of the IDPRSP by Results for Development (R4D)

After expanding the IDPRSP to over 500 schools, IDPF commissioned Results for Development (R4D) to measure the impact of the program and understand the broader needs of low-fee private schools throughout Ghana. The report, “Understanding Household and School Proprietor Needs in Low-Fee Private Schools in Ghana,” contributes to the discourse on low-fee private schools by analyzing: (1) the priorities, motivations, and strategies of low-fee private school proprietors, (2) school profitability and sustainability, and (3) affordability.
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NCRIBE Evaluation Report

After one year of implementing the TFET program, IDPF commissioned an initial evaluation from The National Centre for Research into Basic Education (NCRIBE). NCRIBE is an institute within the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana, and focuses on being a center for research excellence for educational development in Africa.
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