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NCRIBE Evaluation Report

June 2013
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IDP Foundation, Inc.

After one year of implementing the TFET program, IDPF commissioned an initial evaluation from The National Centre for Research into Basic Education (NCRIBE). NCRIBE is an institute within the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana, and focuses on being a center for research excellence for educational development in Africa.

The NCRIBE Evaluation Report utilized focus group interviews for data collection. It assessed the effectiveness of the TFET program materials and teacher training, and looked at the teachers’ attitudes and behaviors towards the techniques taught as part of the program.
A few of the key findings from the NCRIBE Evaluation Report are:

  • The program appears to have positively impacted the teaching skills of the participants.
  • More than 90% of participants describe the TFET modules as “useful” or “important.”
  • Participants reported applying their trainings in the classrooms in different ways.

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