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GCE and the Straw Man: A response to the Global Campaign for Education report “Private Profit, Public Loss – why the push for low-fee private schools is throwing quality education off track”

The Global Campaign for Education has been a powerhouse of education advocacy over the years, bringing together networks of campaigners from the grassroots in the poorest countries to the UN General Assembly, advocating for Education for All. GCE has made the world a better place, but I would be remiss if I did not share my disappointment with their latest report: ‘Private Profit, Public Loss - why the push for low-fee private schools is throwing quality education off track’ (GCE, 2016).

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Sesame Workshop Up to IDP Foundation, Inc.’s Challenge

The IDP Rising Schools Program has proven that through carefully tailored loan products accompanied by specialized training in financial literacy and school management, very poor private schools in Ghana are bankable. Now, the IDP Foundation, Inc. has turned its attention to improving the quality of teaching in these low-cost private schools, whose teachers are largely untrained and have little access to professional development opportunities.

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