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What You Should Know About the Education Commission Report: The Learning Generation (Recapped)

September 2016
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The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity (The Education Commission) recently launched its report on education financing at the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly. In its report, “The Learning Generation: Investing in Education for a Changing World,” The Education Commission’s vision is strikingly bold, outlining fundamentals that are razor sharp, focusing on four transformations: performance, innovation, sources of financing and inclusion.

Highlighted at the onset of the report, under present trends, “in 2030 in low-income countries, only one out of 10 young people will be on track to gain basic secondary-level skills,” noting that the largest increases in population will occur in countries that are behind in education. The Education Commission concludes that “it is possible to get all young people in school and learning within a generation” if development partners rally behind its bold vision.

The Education Commission

The report encourages the international community to do its part in achieving the Learning Generation by undertaking four transformations and sets of recommendations:
I. Performance

  • Set standards, track progress and make information public
  • Invest in what delivers the best results
  • Cut waste

II. Innovation

  • Strengthen and diversify the education workforce
  • Harness technology for teaching and learning
  • Improve partnerships with non-state actors

III. Inclusion

  • Prioritize the poor and early years – progressive universalism
  • Invest across sectors to tackle the factors preventing learnin

IV. Finance

  • Mobilize more and better domestic resources for education
  • Increase the international financing of education and improve its effectiveness
  • Establish a Multilateral Development Bank investment mechanism for education
  • Ensure leadership and accountability for the Learning Generation

Additionally, The Education Commission’s vision for the Learning Generation suggests that it will require an education spending increase by nearly $2 trillion, from $1.2 trillion per year to $3 trillion by 2030 for all low- and middle-income countries.

To learn more about The Education Commission’s report, and see how you can contribute to the overall vision, visit:
DOWNLOAD Download The Learning Generation Executive Summary
DOWNLOAD Download The Learning Generation Full Report

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