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How IDP Foundation COVID-19 Relief Program Is Supporting Vulnerable Low Fee Private Schools in Ghana To Remain Open During These Difficult times

Urgent relief grants have been disbursed to the most vulnerable schools in our IDP Rising Schools Program in Ghana. The school proprietors from our program are passionate education entrepreneurs who have devoted their time and resources to serving their communities. When their schools were forced to close for 10 months due to COVID-19, it was a significant blow.

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Christ Kids Academy: Better Leadership and Management

I learned about the IDP Rising Schools Program (IDPRSP) in 2013 when a team from Sinapi Aba visited my school. Later, I received an invitation letter to participate in the IDPRSP/Sinapi Aba proprietor training. The IDPRSP training covered topics on financial literacy and school management, consisting of nine weeks, with each week covering one module.

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