How the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the Sustainable Development Goals and what this means for the future of education in the developing world
The UN has recently updated the context of its SDGs to reflect the shifting socioeconomic and health and wellbeing landscape in the wake of COVID-19. While the world is still in the grip of the pandemic and constantly adapting its response to this unimaginable crisis, the development sector has been forced to look at its pre-pandemic strategies, while assessing how to adapt. All stakeholders must now consider new ways in which we can tackle not just the immediate impact of COVID-19, but also the reality of this unconceivable setback to achieving systematic change.
Essential Needs of LFPS in the context of COVID-19: An assessment by Associates for Change
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the education sector around the world, and will continue to do so for some time to come. School closures alone are estimated by UNESCO (in 2020) to have affected over 1.1 billion students worldwide. While the pandemic has affected all corners of life across every community, education in the developing world has had its own unique set of challenges, from lack of access to remote learning channels to little financial support for independent low fee private schools (LFPS).
Learning in Ghana: Exploring The Challenges Faced by Pupils and Teachers at Government and Private Schools in Central Region
IDP Foundation commissioned Dr Joanna Härmä, who worked with Laura Moscoviz, to investigate the low overall results in English and Mathematics abilities in grades 4 and 6 in Ghana's Central Region, and what might explain the relatively higher test scores in low-fee private schools.
NORC Impact Assessment: Midline II Report
The Midline II classroom observation study forms part of an on-going impact evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the Techniques for Effective Teaching (TFET) program in Ghana, a partnership between Sesame Workshop and IDP Foundation. For this Midline II report, trained fieldworkers conducted 32 classroom observations in nine treatment schools, with nine Master and nine Step-down TFET trained teachers – as well as seven control schools, with 14 teachers who had not received TFET training.
NORC Impact Assessment: Midline I Report
This report evaluated the emerging impact of Sesame’s Techniques for Effective Teaching (TFET) program on teachers’ understandings, perceptions, and application of new pedagogic techniques. Classroom observations were carried out in three schools, two of which were part of the TFET program, and one that had received no training.
NORC Impact Assessment: Baseline Report
The baseline report sought to understand existing classroom practices, as well as students’ and teachers’ classroom attitudes at 80 low-fee private schools prior to participating in the TFET program.
The Business of Education in Africa Report
Earlier this month, the World Economic Forum on Africa (WEF) took place in Durban, South Africa, which convened regional and global leaders from government, business, and civil society to identify and prioritize efforts to help Africa achieve inclusive growth.
Webinar + Moving the Discussion Forward on Low-Fee Private Schools in Ghana
Fresh off the release of their latest report on an increasingly diversifying education landscape, Results for Development and the IDP Foundation continue moving the discussion forward on low-fee private schools.
A Review of the IDP Rising Schools Program at Sinapi Aba: Implementing a Sustainable Low-Income Schools Loan Product in Ghana
IDP Foundation was approached by CapitalPlus Exchange (CapPlus), a local non-profit organization that works closely with financial institutions in emerging markets to serve small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and assist in growing their businesses more effectively.